External parts and accessories
ACOG riser mount SA80/L85
(E201-L85-ACOG)An SA80/L85 “Z” riser mount for mounting of the ACOG optical gunsight, made in real-steel quality. Visually matching the original used by the British Armed Forces. Made from aircraft-grade duralumin with matte black hard anodized surface finish.
Skladem (38 pcs)
145 €
Skladem (28 pcs)
7,90 €
145,80 €
24,60 €
AR15 barrel nut spacer – 0,1 mm (5 pcs)
Steel spacers for the precise fitting of an AR15 barrel nut (or so-called Delta Ring). Use these spacers to achieve the perfect barrel nut position. It prevents the loosening of the barrel nut, ensures the ideal position of the handguard against the receiver, and provides the firm fitting of the outer barrel.
10,40 €
HPA AEG EPES blasters
Epes QD silencer – B&T Rotex-V – ASG
ROTEX-V silencer with a very well-designed QD system for quick mounting and dismounting of the silencer. This is a very faithful copy of the real B&T silencer, manufactured under license by ASG. Thanks to the installed suppressor inserts, you are looking at a truly EPeS silencer!
107,90 €
EPES blasters
Epes Silencer – 32 mm
Epesní tlumič včetně funkční výplně. Průměr 32 mm a různé délky. Tlumiče jsou opatřeny standardním levotočivým závitem M14x1.
49,60 €
EPES blasters
Epes Silencer – 38 mm
EPES Silencer including functional inserts. 38 mm diameter and 180 mm length. The Silencer is fitted with a standard left-hand M14x1 thread.
66,30 €
AR15 front body pin lock washers
(E263-SET)Lock washers for the front assembly pin of AR15 body. Suitable for AEG and GBB replicas.
Skladem (47 pcs)
4 €
10,40 €